How may I help you today? |
I’m happy to say that 2014 gave us a rockin’ summer of family fun! It was especially nice because our 2013 summer was spent family-less in California, my first summer ever where I was so disconnected from family. I went a little nuts.
This year we made up for it with oodles of family time, though I’m sure everyone was more excited to see Ariana than us. Oh, right, there was a baby somewhere in all this summer craziness! How’d that happen? Just kidding, I know. I saw the stork through the window when it dropped Ari off on the porch.
Before your eyes partake of Ari’s cuteness, I want to thank her unofficial photographers for making this blog post possible: Grandma Glenn, Grandma Watts, and Great-Aunt Carina.
July: Shindigs and Mingles
If you're wondering what happened to June, apparently it's lonely and forgotten. Nobody does anything in June. (Except celebrate my mom's birthday - I haven't forgotten you!)
So now it’s July. First, Ari and I partied at the grandparents’ homes:
Cousin Abigail is going to be an opera singer someday. |
Then we rocked the Mahoney reunion:
She looks so much smaller in Uncle Josh's arms than in mine... |
Ari was exhausted, so she fell asleep on Grandma Watts! (She never does this for us.) |
Then we brought down the house at the Watts reunion:
Uncle Josh has got some great hair. |
Why are we looking at dead animals...? (at the Bean Life Science Museum) |
Then we celebrated July 24th in Beaver with my Glenn grandparents. Ari went to her first parade and horse races.
They throw candy? Let me go! |
Ari had a better view of the horses than I did. |
There's always serious betting involved with horse races, especially with the Glenns. It's a quarter for every race lost/won, and there are 9 races. Ari bet with plastic rings. We start them young.
Later she bewitched my parents’ dog Riley into bringing her his toy bone to throw, despite the two fiercely active 10-year-old boys trying to play with him. He eventually caught on to who could throw the bone more than two feet.
August: More Stuff Happened
We started August off right with a baby blessing of Clayton’s cousin’s little boy, Flint. So Ari’s second cousin, I suppose. She received a lot of attention and had a blast.
This was Ari's first real exposure to rain. When her hand felt the drops, she laughed the weirdest happy laugh I've ever heard, and haven't heard since. |
Next, Grandma Watts and I took Ari to a splash pad for the first time. Not having had a child in my possession long enough to go to a splash pad before, I hadn't been to one in twenty-ish years. So naturally I didn’t plan ahead, and we let Ari soak her onesie and diaper. But what’s a little inconvenience compared to a child’s wonder and happiness? She had so much fun playing with the strange water, I just had to share a bunch of these.
Water is totally trippy. |
We also took Ari to her first art museum. Even though she’s young, she still found a piece of art that really spoke to her soul.
Don't you take me away from my horse statue! |
Someone save me from Evil Red-eye Mommy. |
Here are some other random photos:
September: It’s the New June
We had a pretty warm September, and that was fine with me. Ari had gone to Seven Peaks a few times during the summer, but we didn’t take pictures until her last day there. This is called procrastination.
Here are some other September moments:
I'm so happy, so very cute and happy! |
Wait maybe I'm not so sure... |
Now I'm just cute. |
This picture... They melt my heart. |
I love my little family, and am quite happy to be stuck with them for all eternity!