The Wattsonian

The Wattsonian

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Colorado Thanksgiving - Of Turkey & Tissues

Well, I haven't posted in a while, but not much has been missed. I mean, somewhere in October I got rear-ended on the highway when the car behind me got slammed from behind by someone who didn't realize that traffic had stopped, so yeah, annoying and a bit freaky, but I drove away in one piece. A little whiplash here, a scratched-up bumper there, but a few weeks later it was like it never happened. Then we had a cozy Halloween with my parents and their Energizer doggy, then Clayton performed with his band of merry BYU Concert Choir men (and women), and...that's about it.

But of course, the Watts of the Wattsonian did take part in...


Off we drove, to the faraway land of Grand Junction in the colorful Colorado desert, filled with towering mesas, rabbits, and coyotes who will eat your cat if it wanders alone at night. Really, it's a great place. My grandpa has a reclining chair that can un-recline and raise him up until he's standing on his feet. My grandma has a magical container of chocolate chip cookies that never runs out, despite our best efforts. Both grandparents schooled us in Jeopardy, and Grandma schooled us in Catch Phrase, a word game where you use words to get your team to say a certain word as fast as possible. She's the quickest I've ever seen. Seriously, college grads got nothin' on their grandparents. 

Thanksgiving itself was a bit of both "yum" and "yuck." Normally "tissues" are joked about in reference to one of the Watts, a family who is plagued by allergies. However, so that those of non-allergic genes can share some of their pain, we get colds. I was already ripping through a tissue box faster than Clayton before Thanksgiving, with the mornings and evenings bringing on the highest tissue piles beside our mattress (ga-ross!). Of course colds are more than a runny and stuffy nose, and after a couple days of a sore throat, I started losing my voice. I barely had enough vocal power left for Catch Phrase, and the next morning on Thanksgiving I woke with no voice, and not much appetite. I was a little sad. I don't recall ever eating so little turkey on Turkey Day. I felt better during the day, but my nose and headaches did knock me out here and there, and my voice still evaded me. On the bright side, I didn't have the flu, I was in good company with good food, and I didn't have to work. 

My family, going around the table left to right: Grandparents, handsomest man in the world, great-aunt & great-uncle, great parents,  & my sister-in-law & brother. I'm related to some awesome people.
These are my Grandma's kids: Tripper left, Casey right. They're eager for their Thanksgiving morsels. 
Mm, Clayton is so attractive. 
My awesome and cute great-aunt and uncle, Phil & Deany. I definitely want my marriage to be as happy as theirs when I'm their age. I'm not sure what age that is, exactly.


Black Friday was more like White Friday, because one of Clayton's sisters got married in Manti, Utah. Manti isn't conveniently located next to my grandparents' house, so we woke up early--which is almost like a sin when you're on vacation--and drove to their wedding. Well, Clayton drove, and his ill, nose-blowing wife slept. The weather was awesome and the wedding was lovely. Clayton and I took a brief sightseeing trip to Snow College afterward, which is right by Manti, and is my alma mater for my first year-and-a-half of college. This college only takes up about a block-and-a-half. It's a bit smaller than BYU.

The reception for their wedding was a fun shindig. The bride and her new husband both play the guitar and sing, so they and other musicians performed for their guests. Still under the influence of a viral infectious disease, I didn't make it through the entire evening. But it was good to spend time with Clayton's family and relatives. 


We slept in until 11:00am. I stayed in my pajamas for most of the day. We cleaned and organized (surprise!), went grocery shopping, cooked Totino's pizzas and snuggled during a movie. In summary, the week of awesomeness went thus: from my family to Clayton's family to our family. Family and turkey totally trump tissues.

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